Saturday, September 15, 2012

BW...I love it! Do you?

I love B&W...that's black and white for those of you who are confused.  It's so yummy & classic & simple & just plain speaks to me.  What do you prefer BW or color images?  Any whys out there?

Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Baby Learns to "Wobble"...You heard me right!

The BEST days, I swear, are the unplanned days.  I keep trying to convince my hub (aka Mr. Planner) of this, but he's still not sold on it.  Anyway, I like to roll with the punches (again, not super conducive to raising kids...especially the ones in activities, but that's another story).  So one day some friends invite my fam to hang with their fam & grill...ya the whole chill on the patio or deck or garage (depending on where your from) thing...ut ummm.  Well... their college kid comes home for the weekend...insert SURPRISE....she brought some friends...insert ANOTHER SURPRISE!  And our humble family bbq turned into a college dance party plus a little girl who I KNOW loves to shake her little tail feather.  Here's the baby girl learned to "Wobble".   PS  I secretly downloaded this little ditty off itunes & I may secretly "wobble" when I should be working...HEY it's a pattern ALL should get one!   ENJOY...then, "secretly" go download it ;)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

What is Honorable?

Sometimes there are stories that "hit home", make you think or make you appreciate your own life a little more.  This shoot did just that.  This is Jim and his adorable little family.  He has a wife, a little girl and a son on the way.  They are healthy, beautiful, funny as all get out and happy.  What you don't know is Jim will depart in two short days on his fourth tour of duty to a far off country to defend and protect OUR great country, OUR freedoms and OUR families as a US marine.  His service is honorable and he is appreciated more than he knows.  Thank you Jim for your service and for protecting my country, my freedom and my family.  I enjoyed catching some moments that I pray will help you feel a little closer to home as you get through this next year away from what is most precious to you.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

California....I love it more than pineapple on pizza!

My travels west are becoming habitual as of this year.  I giggle when I say that...because, while I do work when away, (and that's a story for another day)...I thoroughly enjoy it!  I've always heard that if you do what you'll never work a day in your life.  I don't know that I completely agree with that one, however; I do see alot of truth in it.

I won't elaborate the details of this particular trip other than to say it was the first time my daughter Jules was able to come along.  Of course, she was ecstatic to see where mommy has been going when she leaves home.  She was even more thrilled to meet the daughter of my dear friend Joanne who just happens to be the same age.  The kids "hit it off" and great memories were made.  My hubby tells me that he's next in line for a tour and THAT is what I can't wait for.

Trip highlights:

•  just happened to sit next to two extraordinary people on two of our flights...Julia's response: "wow  mommy...God keeps putting really cool people by us!"  I love the way my kid thinks...she's right!

•  witnessing bioluminescent waves in Newport Beach...that's a fancy way of saying the waves were glowing like glow sticks as they crashed into the shore one evening...two words for that: wicked cool! They looked like this...

•  celebrated the closing of the Balboa Fun Zone after 75 hiss...but loved the 10 cent ferris wheel rides (overlooking the harbor...woot woot) and the 5 cent carousel rides made for a fine farewell...

•  l.a. county fair...watched some mechanical bull riding...yep, some people and some forms of attire do not belong on that ride, but it sure made for the kind of laughing that brings tears to your eyes and bends you over clutching your tummy...praying you don't wet yourself (t.m.i?...nahhh)...just to give you an idea of that particular experience...we saw;  a man in a kilt...(my response was "who's gonna disinfect that seat when he's through?"), a woman in blue jean panties...(to which I covered my mouth in disbelief..."isn't this illegal?") & my favorite was the top heavy gal who rode is slow motion yet couldn't manage to stay on....sighhhh good times...I could've set up camp with my lawn chair and a drink in hand for a whole evening of laughs....must go back!

The icing on the cake was when Joanne & I took our short people out for a little photo play in that yummy so. cal. light...there's just something about it...not like the midwest...I don't care what anyone says...special rays are being delivered to all you west's a little of what I saw...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tag Team Senior Session

Day one with "E" was blahhh with not so lovely stl weather....I was thinking "go awaaaay rain!"  The inevitable reschedule date landed when my photog friend Joanne of Joanne Distaso Photography was to be in town for her visit...sooo guess who got double the artist on her senior session investment.  We had a blast with "E"...she's beautiful, smart and sassy under all that sweetness...don't let her fool ya!  It was a looong session only because the creative juices were comin' down like the rain...what fun!  Thanks "E" for being such a sport...and thanks Jo for stirr'n my "mojo" sure was memorable and it makes me want to do it again and again :)

So for this blog post...since it was kind of a special shoot I thought "hey, I bet people would like to see how the shots are taken"...soooo for your entertainment and my humiliation because apparently I've lost control over my facial expressions....I give you "behind the scenes footage"...enjoy!

Yep, it's not uncommon to hang out at the laundry wash'n hole...lot's of fun to be had there...

And this is how to get....


I often look like this in photos...scary right?   Ha, well someone's gotta show the girl the "pose"....

Her pose is sooooo much better...way to go "E"!

And this is why I don't get all gussied up myself...I spend too much time roll'n on the ground!

But I got this...and I love me some sun flare!!!

Then Jo got in on some cute hat action...


Jo again getting what may be my favorite image from the session....

Is this amazing or what?  Love!


Thanks ladies...that's a wrap! :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Best Buddies

I know I've discussed friends on the blog in the past, but it seems to be a major theme that God's addressing lately in my life.  I can say that the topic of friends will most definitely be revisited soon...only because I have so much more to say.  Anyway, on to the story at hand, the 'H' family is one that my family has grown quite close to over the last couple of years.  Our 4th grade boys are best friends.  They spend as much time together as possible having sleep overs, playing sports, camping, hiking and just experiencing life as 10 year olds together.  M & C are like two peas in a pod...a match made in heaven, if you will.  Ironically, it wasn't so long ago, before I got the news, that I had this conversation with my son...he said, "mommy what makes you happy?"...I said, "when you & C are out playing & laughing, sometimes I secretly watch from the window & sometimes I get all teary eyed because it is clear to me how happy you are when you're together...I love to see how C makes you laugh a most genuine "from the gut" laugh...I love to hear your whispers that turn into wrestling matches...those moments are what I pray you will have an abundance of for an entire lifetime...friendships like the one between you and C are a gift from above....enjoy every moment buddy."
My little man "get's me"...he knows I get mushy sometimes, but I never regret having those deep little moments with him.  Now here we are with the news that his best friend, his partner in crime has to move away back to his home state of Ohio at the end of the school year.  I'll be honest, it was devastating news...we cried....ALOT...the whole family, including daddy.  So with only days remaining until their final departure I thought what a blast to have all the boys come together for some candids.  It may be the end of a chapter, but there's so much more to come.  I honestly, from the core of my soul, believe that their friendship can not be separated by geography.  We love you boys and thank God for the joy that you bring to us and each other...we will do everything in our power to keep you connected!  Now for some sweet memories...a video for Chase.   {click below}

For Chase

Saturday, January 29, 2011

a lil date

we got out! ALONE!
we walked slow (he's still sore from the surgeries)...ALONE!
we talked & laughed...ALONE!
we ate lunch...ALONE!
and we might have even exchanged a couple kisses...ooooooo!
it was a much needed saturday with my hubby...things are looking up!